A server will typically offer any or all of the following services. These save you money and open up a world of ways for you to run your business.
File Server
Store and protect all your business files with raided disks and user security. This reduces data loss and protects from threats and downtime.
Email Server
Provide webmail services on your lan. This reduces software installations and ensures that everyone can access their email from any works computer. Simply to maintain and support this saves money and time.
Business Server
Do you use outlook to manage your business? this currently costs you around £200 per computer. Well, you don't need to spend that money. Organise your business the smart way and save money.
Onsite Backup
The server sits all day just waiting to back your files up.
Offsite Backup
When the internet is cheap, yes peak charges still exist, the server can back your files up remotely to a secure location. This protects against failure and loss.
Remote Services
Should these be required, industry standard systems for secure remote working can be be installed on the server. This allows out of office workers and travelling sales persons to stay in touch.
Web Server
Need a file repository for customers or people on the road? run a webserver. the performance is only as good as your internet connection but it can be a very useful resource.
Remote Management
Allow us to support you. we can do 90% of support through our business server.